Our Junior Alumni
The idea of the Junior Alumni came about with the intention of creating an avenue for graduating students to still keep in contact with one another, even when they are dispersed after Primary 6, into their respective higher institutes of learning. Thus with the motto “Once a Kemingnite, Always a Kemingnite”, the Junior Alumni was restructured and officially formed in 2008 by a founding group of dedicated ex-Keming students who wanted more than just remember Keming Primary School as their alma mater.
Driven by their passion and commitment to want to give back and value-add to Keming Primary School, this group of pioneering leaders, in consultation with the school, formed the Executive Committee (ExCO), tasked with looking into establishing a sustainable and working structure the Junior Alumni and thus, the alumni began our first recruitment the following year, 2009.
Starting off with only 7 official members, we had thus come far with over 70 members in 2012, with more ex-Keming students joining the ranks upon their graduation with each passing year. New members are interviewed and then drafted, based on their preferences and areas in which they can see themselves contributing in, into the 4 committees, such as Administration, Operation, Logistics and Publicity.
These students meet in their free time on weekends within the school, where they discuss matters on the up-coming events and the preparation needed to come up with proposals for each activity or event. The alumni had thus far been an active participating and contributory body to many of the school events, such as the LOVE@Keming Family Day, school workshops, preparatory activities for PSLE and student-led camps/workshops for our own student leaders. Willing members of the alumni had even taken the initiative to organise tutor groups in helping out with our lower-progress students, participating in tutoring sessions as part of the Community Involvement Programme (CIP) in their secondary schools.
The Junior Alumni stands as a symbol of the dedication and spirit of “paying it forward” of our ex-Keming students. So, we are calling out to all Kemingnites, past and present who are still pursuing your own academic excellence, join us for a fun time, use this platform to keep in touch with your friends and give back to Keming.